Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
Complete Home Garden Store
Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
Complete Home Garden Store
Lakadong Turmeric powder with Curcumin up to 12%
Lakadong Turmeric powder with Curcumin up to 12%
Lakadong Turmeric powder with Curcumin up to 12%
  • Lakadong Turmeric, also known as golden spice and Haldi, is the king of spices 
  • Lakadong Turmeric is possibly the world's finest turmeric found in the treasure land of the country Meghalaya having High curcumin content that ranges between a 7-12%, sourced directly from the farmers in the Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya 
  • High curcumin Lakadong turmeric is fresh with a strong flavour and aroma that makes it one of the finest turmeric varieties in the world Indian culture and tradition is inconceivable without this spice. 
  • Turmeric contains curcumin, an active compound which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis, prevent heart disease and even the growth of cancer cells. 
Rs.120.00 - Rs.999.00
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