Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
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Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
Gandhi’s Garden To Kitchen
Complete Home Garden Store
Turtle Vine Greenish Purple color Callisia repens also known as creeping inch plant, Bolivian Jew
Turtle Vine Greenish Purple color Callisia repens also known as creeping inch plant, Bolivian Jew
Turtle Vine Greenish Purple color Callisia repens also known as creeping inch plant, Bolivian Jew
If you love succulents, then this easy-to-grow hanging plant should be on top of your list! Callisia repens, also known as creeping inchplant, Bolivian Jew or turtle vine, is a succulent creeping plant from the family Commelinaceae. This species comes from Central and South America. Growing tips Sunlight The plant does well in bright indirect sunlight. Save the plant from the scorching afternoon sun. You can hang it near a south or west-facing balcony or window for a showy display. Tip: 2-3 hours of exposure to the morning sun will be wonderful for its growth. Water It needs slightly moist soil for better growth. As a thumb rule, water only when the top 2-inches feel dry to touch. Avoid overwatering the plant and cut down the rate during winters. Soil Go for a regular soil mix, especially one that is designed for cacti and succulents. You can also DIY the same with 3 parts of potting soil, 2 parts of sand, and 1 part of perlite. Climate The plant prefers a slightly warm temperature. Move the turtle vine plant indoors during winters, if you live in a cold climate, to save it from dying.
Rs.49.00 Rs.60.00
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